
The mission of Leading Educators and Parents Consulting is to empower early childhood professionals with the knowledge, tools, and confidence critical to facilitating children’s cognitive, social-emotional, and academic success.

professional development trainings

I have a passion for teaching about early childhood development and began this firm to provide bilingual trainings and workshops for early childhood professionals looking to provide high-quality education and care for children. I offer trainings and workshops to early childhood professionals that either work directly, or provide services for, children and families in both English and Spanish. Contact me to schedule an appointment to discuss your needs and to set up a training!


As an early childhood educational consultant, I draw on my knowledge and experience to provide clients with a range of consulting services that focus on children’s social, cognitive, and academic success. The central focus of this firm is to provide consulting for bilingual early childhood educators. From developing and implementing a developmentally-appropriate curriculum to evaluating student-teacher interactions, I can customize my consulting to meet any educational needs.


Parent engagement is an important predictor of a child’s social-emotional and academic success and I design parent workshops to empower caregivers with the knowledge and skills critical to promote children’s healthy development. Parent workshops are intended for parents, grandparents, and caregivers of children from birth to kindergarten age and can address a variety of topics with an emphasis on cultivating strong caregiver-child relationships. Parent workshops are created in collaboration with center administrators to deliver high-quality, engaging workshops specific to the interests and needs of all caregivers in their community. They can be designed as a series, can be recurring, or can be presented in one session.